Tutankhamun Pharaoh's Gift Expansion
Tutankhamun Pharaoh's Gift Expansion
Mini-expansion promo for Tutankhamun. This pack features 5 new tiles that can be added to the base game. These tiles include 1 new artifact tile and 2 new gods, each with 2 tiles.
Included in the pack are 6 reference cards that explain the abilities.
Falcon Pectoral artifact tile - This is a single artifact tile that immediately scores two points. Deposit it in the tomb as usual when scored.
Set God Idol tiles (2) - Move up to 2 Artifact tiles from the Underworld to the end of the Nile next to the Tomb, extending the river.
Sekhmet God Idol tiles (2) - Swap an Artifact tile in your collection for any other Artifact tile in the Nile that has an equal or lesser point value printed on it.
NOTE: This promo set is already included in the Pharaoh’s Edition of the game. You do not need to order it separately. This promo pack is for the Standard Edition.
THIS IS A PRE-ORDER: We anticipate shipping to begin in early summer. Any orders with this item will be held until all items are available to ship.